Reading Courses coming soon.

Both of these courses will be led by Fr Michael McGoldrick, OCD

This year our focus in the St Thérèse Readings will be the parts of the Story of a Soul known as Manuscript B and Manuscript C. It was in September, 1896, that Sister Thérèse wrote the second manuscript (Manuscript B) of the Story of a Soul in the form of a letter to her sister, Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart.  Manuscript C describes her life in Carmel.
The meetings will take place on the first Tuesday of each month:
September 3, October 8, November 5, December 3, February 4, March 4,
April 8 and May 6.
Reading material will be sent to participants before each meeting.

The 21 st Century has blessed us with a number of outstanding young witnesses to faith. In this short course we will look at the life and message of five of them: Bl Carlo Acutis,
Sr Clare Crockett, Chiara Corbella Petrillo, Carlotta Nobile and Sr Ruth Maria O’Callaghan.
The course will take place on the following dates:
Tuesdays, September 10, 17, 25 and October 15 & 22.