A place of peace and stillness


Find Your Peace, Feed Your Soul

A haven of tranquilly and serenity. An opportunity to unwind in a peaceful environment, reconnect with your heart and focus on what matters most in a hectic world. This is the Avila Carmelite Centre, and we encourage you to take advantage of your choice of retreats, bright rooms, and relaxing gardens. No matter your faith or belief system, Avila is an oasis of serenity conveniently located just 2km from Dublin.

Upcoming Events

Keep up with our latest happenings

  • A Family of Saints: Louis, Zélie, Thérèse & Léonie Martin.


Our Programme

Choose your personal Avila experience, from Day Retreats to weeks of guided prayer and courses.

Mass Times

You are welcome to join the Community for Mass and Prayer at the following times:

Mass Times

Monday to Friday
6.00 pm followed by Night Prayer

12 noon

11.30 am

Holy days and Bank Holidays

Timetable as Saturday or Sunday.
However if the Holyday is on a weekday Mass will be at 6pm.

Prayer Times

Monday to Friday
07.30: Office of Readings
07.40: Personal Prayer
08.30: Morning Prayer
12.50: Midday Prayer
17.00: Evening Prayer followed by Personal Prayer
18.00: Community Mass followed by Night Prayer

08.30: Office of Readings and Morning Prayer
11.30: Community Mass (Sun.)
12.00: Community Mass (Sat.)
17.30: Evening Prayer
17.45: Personal Prayer
18.30: Night Prayer